Care Library

Welcome to our library of plant care information. Check the packing slip included in your order or your order confirmation email for your plant’s name, and learn what light and water levels your specific plant needs to thrive.

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Related Blog Posts

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  • Aglaonema

    Red aglaonema d1699d3a 32a4 4e94 9eb5 3ea1d3af990e


    Southeast Asia, China

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to low indirect sun. Not suited for intense, direct sunlight.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The colorful, patterned foliage and easy going nature of Aglaonemas have made them popular among collectors.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves and mushy blackened base: Root rot, overwatered

  • Aglaonema Siam

    Aglaonema siam

    Aglaonema 'Siam Aurora'

    Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Can tolerate low light conditions. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The colorful, patterned foliage and easy going nature of Aglaonemas have made them popular among collectors.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatering

    Drooping, leaf curl, dry potting mix: Underwatering

    Leaf drop: Low light, moisture-stress

  • Aglaonema Wishes

    Aglaonema wishes

    Aglaonema commutatum 'Wishes"

    Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Can tolerate low light conditions. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatering

    Leaf drop: Low light, moisture-stress

    Drooping, leaf curl, dry potting mix: underwatering

  • Air Plant

    Air plant


    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Keep smaller air plants out of intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Soak weekly in a bowl of room temperature water for 15-30 minutes. Shake excess water off afterward.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Tillandsia are called 'air plants' due to their ability to grow without soil. In their native environment, they can be found growing on trees, cliffs, and even telephone wires.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Soft, darkened base: Plant rot

    Curled or shriveled leaves: Low humidity, underwatered

    Not green when wet: Dead plant

  • Alocasia

    Alocasia polly


    Southeast Asia, Australia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Alocasia can go into a dormancy phase and dieback during fall and winter. Increasing light and humidity can help deter this.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Alocasia can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Alocasia form bulbs called corms underground from which new Alocasia babies can grow.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting leaves and stem, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves and mushy blackened base: Root rot, overwatered

  • Alocasia California

    Alocasia california

    Alocasia gageana "California'

    Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun in the morning. Not suited for low light conditions or direct afternoon sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing about half the soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatering

    Drooping, leaf curl, dry potting mix: underwatering

    Leaf drop: low light or dormancy

  • Aloe

    Aloe vera


    Africa, Egypt, Madagascar

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    You can extract and use the gel from your Aloe vera at home. We recommend picking a mature bottom leaf to extract the gel from.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkled plant: Underwatered

    Blanched center: Not enough sunlight

    Blackened, mushy base: Overwatered, root rot

  • Angel Wings Begonia

    Begonia angelwings

    Begonia ‘Angel Wing’

    South America

    Sun icon


    Thrive in medium to bright indirect light. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. This plant can benefit from high humidity.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    If kept in an ideal environment, the Angel Wings Begonia can flower during the summer growing season.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Brown leaf edges: Underwatered, or low humidity

    Black leaves: Direct sun, or overwatered

    Leaf spots: Fungal inflection

  • Anthurium




    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium indirect light. Avoid direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Anthurium's blooms aren’t actual flowers, but modified waxy leaves known as spathes. After about a month, spathes will start to fade with age.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellowing leaves: Too much direct sunlight

    New flowers are green instead of red or pink: Too much sunlight

    Flowers are turning pale green: Underwatering, or temperature stress

    Leaf elongation: Not enough light, or too far away from the light source

  • Arboricola


    Schefflera arboricola

    East Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    This plant is nicknamed the umbrella tree because of its clustered leaflets.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leggy and floppy, or leaf drop: Not enough sunlight

    Yellow droopy leaves with wet soil: Overwatered

    Brown leaf edges: Low humidity, or direct sun

  • Arrowhead Plant

    Arrowhead plant


    Mexico & Brazil

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Can tolerate low light conditions. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Mushy leaves or black stems: Overwatered

    Drooping leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Leaf drop, etiolation: Not enough light

  • Autumn Fern

    Autumn fern

    Dryopteris erythrosora

    East Asia, Japan & China

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Not suited for direct sunlight.

    Water icon


    Water every 1 week, allowing soil to dry out halfway down between waterings. This plant will benefit from higher humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    New fronds come up as a copper-red color and then mature to a deep green with age.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Mushy leaves or black stems: Overwatered

    Leaf drop, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Brown, crispy leaves: Low humidity

  • Bird’s Nest Fern


    Asplenium nidus

    Southeast Asia, Polynesia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Do not water directly into the center of your fern, but instead, water around it.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The roots of the Bird’s Nest Fern form dense root balls. This plant cannot be propagated and will remain as a single rosette indefinitely.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Pale green leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing lower leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

    New growth browning: Overwatered

  • Bird of Paradise

    B o p


    South Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to direct light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Bird of Paradise can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Bird of Paradise is named after the colorful, crane-like flowers it produces in its native environment.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Splits along sides of leaves: Normal adaptive precaution to help plant bear strong winds in its native habitat

    Yellowing lower leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

    Wilting, curling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

  • Bromeliad


    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate a few hours of direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Make sure the central cup of the plant has water within it at all times. This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Bromeliads can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Bromeliad blooms can last anywhere from 3–6 months. Cut back blooms after they are done so the plant can focus its energy on new growth.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Crispy or curling edges: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

    Browning, stunted growth: Too much hard water, change to filtered water

  • Button Fern

    Pellaea rotundifolia

    New Zealand

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Not suited for low light conditions or direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks allowing soil to dry out halfway between waterings. Expect to water more oftern in brighter light and less often in lower light. This plant can benefit from higher humidity but can tolerate normal room humidity levels.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet-friendly!

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Drooping leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Leaf drop: Not enough light

    Mushy leaves or black stems: Overwatered

    Crispy, brown leaves: low humidity

  • Cactus



    The Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks in direct light, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. Aeroles, surface bumps in which spines grow out of, are what distinguishes cacti from succulents.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkled, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Blanched center: Needs more sunlight

    Yellowing and mushy leaves, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

  • Calathea

    Calathea bfc4fba0 728d 4972 93dd 4249bba08a2c


    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Calatheas can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Pet friendly icon


    Most calatheas are pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Calatheas exhibit a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. They move their leaves from day to night as a part of their circadian rhythm.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting, curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black base: Overwatered

    Leaf spots: Fungal inflection or mineral build up from tap water, use distilled water and water directly into surrounding potting soil

  • Calathea Dottie

    Calathea dottie

    Calathea roseopicta

    South America

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Dottie's bright pink stripes are au naturel.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting, curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black base: Overwatered

    Leaf spots: Fungal inflection or mineral build up from tap water, use distilled water and water directly into surrounding potting soil

  • Calathea Freddie

    Calathea freddie 6 1

    Calathea concinna

    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Calatheas can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Calatheas exhibit a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. They move their leaves from day to night as a part of their circadian rhythm.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting, curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black base: Overwatered

    Leaf spots: Fungal inflection or mineral build up from tap water, use distilled water and water directly into surrounding potting soil

  • Calathea Medallion

    Calathea medallion 01

    Calathea roseopicta

    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Calatheas can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Calatheas exhibit a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. They move their leaves from day to night as a part of their circadian rhythm.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting, curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black base: Overwatered

    Leaf spots: Fungal inflection or mineral build up from tap water, use distilled water and water directly into surrounding potting soil

  • Calathea Makoyana

    Calathea 2f95d283 635c 4fab b11c 786165692cb4

    Goeppertia makoyana

    Eastern Brazil

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Not suited for direct sun, but can tolerate lower light conditions.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out halfway between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions. Benefits from higher humidity!

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Also known as Peacock plant due to the leaves resembling the shape and colors of peacock feathers

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Curling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Leaf drop, loss of pigment: Low light

  • Calathea Orbifolia

    Calathea orbifolia

    Calathea orbifolia


    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    Pet friendly

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting, curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black base: Overwatered

    Leaf spots: Fungal inflection or mineral build up from tap water, use distilled water and water directly into surrounding potting soil

  • Calathea Ornata

    Calathea ornata

    Calathea ornata

    South America

    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Can tolerate low light conditions. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks allowing soil to dry out about halfway between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions.

    Pet friendly icon


    Pet friendly

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Drooping and curling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, yellowing, wet potting mix: overwatered

  • Calathea Pinstripe

    Calathea pinstripe 2 4 067

    Calathea ornata

    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Calatheas can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Calatheas exhibit a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. They move their leaves from day to night as a part of their circadian rhythm.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting, curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black base: Overwatered

    Leaf spots: Fungal inflection or mineral build up from tap water, use distilled water and water directly into surrounding potting soil

  • Calathea Rattlesnake


    Calathea lancifolia

    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Calatheas can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Calatheas exhibit a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. They move their leaves from day to night as a part of their circadian rhythm.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting, curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black base: Overwatered

    Leaf spots: Fungal inflection or mineral build up from tap water, use distilled water and water directly into surrounding potting soil

  • Calathea Vittata

    Calathea elliptica 'vittata'

    South America

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    Pet friendly

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting, curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black base: Overwatered

    Leaf spots: Fungal inflection or mineral build up from tap water, use distilled water and water directly into surrounding potting soil

  • Calla Lily

    Calla lily

    Zantedeschia aethiopica

    Southern Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Calla Lilies have modified roots known as rhizomes that store water and nutrients during their dormancy periods.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Discoloration or leaf tip burn: Too much direct light

    Mushy stems and yellowing leaves, wet soil: Overwatered

    Dead flowers: End of the current bloom cycle. Cut the dead foliage and let the plant go dormant for two months. After, place it in bright light and water normally to help restart the bloom cycle. If you don’t mind your Calla not reblooming, continue with regular care.

  • Coffee Plant

    Coffee plant


    Africa and Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The occasional pruning will help the leafy Coffee Plant branch out into a bushier specimen.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellowing leaves, mushy blackened base: Overwatered, root rot

    Wilting and curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered, thirsty plant

    Brown tips and edges of leaves: Low humidity

  • Croton


    Codiaeum variegatum

    Malaysia & Pacific Ocean Islands

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright light to full sun conditions. Not suited for low light areas. South & West facing windows ideal, and consider grow lights in Fall/Winter.

    Water icon


    Water every 1 week, allowing soil to dry out halfway down between waterings. This plant can benefit from higher humidity but can tolerate normal room humidity levels.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Mushy leaves or black stems: Overwatered

    Leaf drop, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Leaf drop, moist potting mix: Not enough light

    Loss of color: Not enough light

  • Ctenanthe Lubbersiana

    Ctenanthe lubbersiana

    Ctenanthe Lubbersiana

    Central & South America

    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light, but can tolerate lower light. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out halfway between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Curling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Leaf drop, loss of pigment: Low light

  • Dracaena



    Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium to low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Dracaena comes from the Ancient Greek word Drakaina meaning ‘female dragon’.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Crispy or curling pale leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Yellowing leaves, dry potting mix: Soil compaction (aerate soil), and/or nutrient deficincy

  • Echeveria

    Echeveria 0fa2803d 5fb0 4e6c bb2b 8b35ac134585


    Arid regions of the Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks in direct light, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    Most echeverias are pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The drought tolerant succulent Echeveria is known for its iconic rosette-shape and fleshy water-storing leaves.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing, mushy leaves: Root rot, overwatered

    Yellowing leaves, dry potting mix: Soil compaction (aerate soil)

    Etiolation (weak stems, smaller leaves, pale color): Not enough direct light

  • Echeveria Lola

    Echeveria lola


    Arid regions of the Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks in direct light, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The drought tolerant succulent Echeveria is known for its iconic rosette-shape and fleshy water-storing leaves.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing, mushy leaves: Root rot, overwatered

    Yellowing leaves, dry potting mix: Soil compaction (aerate soil)

    Etiolation (weak stems, smaller leaves, pale color): Not enough direct light

  • Echeveria Preta

    Echeveria preta


    Arid regions of the Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks in direct light, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The drought tolerant succulent Echeveria is known for its iconic rosette-shape and fleshy water-storing leaves.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing, mushy leaves: Root rot, overwatered

    Yellowing leaves, dry potting mix: Soil compaction (aerate soil)

    Etiolation (weak stems, smaller leaves, pale color): Not enough direct light

  • Fan Palm

    Livistona chinensis

    East Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light to some morning direct sun. Not suited for low light conditions or direct afternoon sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks allowing soil to dry out halfway between waterings. Expect to water more oftern in brighter light and less often in lower light. This plant can benefit from higher humidity but can tolerate normal room humidity levels.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Drooping leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Leaf drop: Not enough light

    Mushy leaves or black stems: Overwatered

    Crispy, brown leaves: low humidity or underwatering

  • Fatsia Spiders Web

    Fatsia japonica

    Southern Japan

    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Not suited for direct afternoon sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out halfway between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions. Lower leaves will drop if soil is allowed to dry out completely.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Drooping leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Leaf drop: underwatering, low light

  • Fittonia


    Fittonia albivenis

    Peru, South America

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Fittonia's nickname is nerve plant or mosaic plant because of its leaves' strongly contrasting veins.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Dry, shriveled leaves: Low humidity, or too much sun

    Yellowing leaves, mushy stems, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Fern



    Southeast Asia, Polynesia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    Most ferns are pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Ferns are older than the dinosaurs. They have shown up in fossils over 350 million years old.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Pale green leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing lower leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Ficus

    Ficus e9c66cf1 7d14 464c 8911 eed3f6756a9d


    Tropical Asia, Australia, and throughout the tropics

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun depending on the species.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Ficus are all known to have white, latexy sap within their stems – handle them with care when you clean their leaves (grooming they benefit from).

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatering

    Cripsy, curling leaves: Thirsty plant, underwatered or low humidity

  • Ficus Altissima

    Ficus altissima

    Ficus altissima

    Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatering

    Crispy, curling leaves: Thirsty plant, underwatered or low humidity

    Leaf drop: Low light

  • Ficus Audrey

    Ficus audrey

    Ficus benghalensis

    India, South Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light to full sun. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Ficus Audrey, or Ficus Benghalensis, is the national tree of India. It is believed Buddha reached enlightenment under a Ficus tree.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatering

    Cripsy, curling leaves: Thirsty plant, underwatered or low humidity

  • Ficus Tineke

    Ficus tineke

    Ficus elastica 'tineke'

    Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Ficus elastica plant is used to make living root bridges in its native habitat.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatering

    Crispy, curling leaves: Thirsty plant, underwatered or low humidity

    Leaf drop: Low light, not enough light

  • Fiddle Leaf Fig

    Fiddle leaf fig

    Ficus lyrata

    Western Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light to full sun. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    In its native environment the Fiddle Leaf Fig, or Ficus lyrata, can grow over 40 feet tall.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatering

    Cripsy, curling leaves: Thirsty plant, underwatered or low humidity

  • Golden Pothos

    Golden pothosl

    Epipremnum aureum

    French Polynesia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium to low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Pothos can be easily propagated in water, just make sure to include a node or multiple on your cuttings.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Haworthia

    Haworthia zebra


    Southern Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to direct light. Can tolerate more medium indirect light than other common succulents.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks in direct light, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The drought tolerant succulent Haworthia will stay small and compact for most of its life, making it a popular plant for container gardening.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leaves curling, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Brown or red leaf tips: Underwatered, or soil compaction (aerate soil)

  • Holiday Cactus

    Christmas cactus



    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun. Extended periods of low light in the fall will help encourage winter blooms.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity when in bloom.

    Christmas Cacti can be sensitive to water with a high calcium content. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Make no mistake, although this plant looks dramatically different from its desert dwelling cousins, it is technically a cactus.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Mushy leaves or black stems: Overwatered

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Blooms dropping: Fluctuations in temperature, cold drafts, or roots drying out or becoming water-logged

  • Holiday Wreath


    Fraser Fir, White Pine, Juniper


    Sun icon


    Keep out of direct sunlight.

    Water icon


    Spritz with water every 2-3 days. Do not allow your wreath to dry out completely.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Expect some needle loss during transit from your handcrafted wreath. Simply shake off any loose needles and spritz with water upon arrival. This wreath is best suited for cooler, outdoor environments but can be used indoors if kept away from direct heat and sunlight. Wreath will remain fresh for 2-3 weeks indoors or 1-2 months outdoors.

  • Hoya



    Asia, Polynesia, Australia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun depending on the species.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    Most hoyas are pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    With anywhere between 200–300 species, these evergreen perennial vines come in many leaf shapes and flower colors.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing and becoming mushy, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

  • Hoya Carnosa Tricolor

    Hoya carnosa variegata 'Tricolor'

    Eastern Asia & Australia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Can withstand a few hours of direct sun which helps with variegation.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    Pet friendly

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Leaf drop: Low light, moisture-stress

    Loss of variegation: low light

  • Hoya Heart

    Hoya heart

    Hoya kerrii

    Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks in direct light, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Hoya kerrii is commonly referred to as the Hoya Heart because of its heart shaped leaves. This single leaf cutting is partially rooted and will be a slow grower until established.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing and becoming mushy, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

  • Ivy



    Europe, Western Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Variegated species can tolerate a few hours of direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water weekly, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellowing, leaf drop: Overwatering

    Brown leaf edges: Low humidity, direct sun

  • Jade

    Jade 02d40faa 53b6 4ba7 a2bd 44695653788a

    Crassula ovata

    Southern Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Mushy leaves and wet soil: Root rot, overwatered

    Wrinkled leaves and dry soil: Underwatered

  • Jade Pothos

    Pothos jade 2 2

    Epipremnum aureum

    French Polynesia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium to low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Pothos can be easily propagated in water, just make sure to include a node or multiple on your cuttings.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Jasmine Sambac

    Jasminum sambac


    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light to full sun. Not suited for low light conditions.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks allowing soil to dry out about halfway between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions.

    Pet friendly icon



    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Mushy or yellow leaves: Overwatered

    Drooping leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Leaf drop, etiolation: Not enough light

  • Lemon Cypress

    Lemon cypress 2

    Hesperocyparis macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’


    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright light to full sun conditions. Not suited for low light areas. South & West facing windows ideal, and consider grow lights in Fall/Winter.

    Water icon


    Water very 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out halfway down between waterings. This plant can benefit from extra humidity, especially when in bloom.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet-friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Cone-bearing plant

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Mushy leaves or black stems: Overwatered

    Leaf drop, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered.

    Leaf drop, moist potting mix: low light

    Loss of color: low light

  • Majesty Palm

    Majesty palm

    Ravenea rivularis


    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Humans seemed to always have a thing for palms. Scientists believe Mesopotamians cultivated the date palm over five thousand years ago.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Crispy edges, browning leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Maranta


    Maranta leuconeura

    Tropical forests of Brazil

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Marantas can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Marantas are nicknamed prayer plants because they exhibit a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. They move their leaves from day to night as a part of their circadian rhythm.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Curling leaves, brown tips: Not enough humidity

    Washed out coloring or brown blotches on leaves: Too much direct sun

    Yellowing leaves, rotting stems: Overwatered

  • Marble Queen Pothos

    Golden pothosl

    Epipremnum aureum

    French Polynesia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium to low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Pothos can be easily propagated in water, just make sure to include a node or multiple on your cuttings.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Marimo Moss Ball

    Marimo moss ball

    Aegagropila linnaei

    Northern Hemisphere

    Sun icon


    Thrives in low to medium indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Keep submerged in distilled or filtered cold water. Change water once every 1–2 weeks, depending on algae growth.

    If your Marimo is floating on the water's surface and/or creating bubbles, it is producing oxygen! This is natural.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The marimo “moss” ball as it is commonly known is not actually moss at all, but a freshwater, filamentous green algae colony.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Brown spots or browning: Fungal infection, too much algea, or exposure to direct sun

  • Money Tree Plant

    Money tree

    Pachira aquatica

    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    According to lore, a poor farmer had such great luck selling these hardy plants that he called them good fortune or good luck money trees.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leaf drop: Not enough sunlight

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

    Curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

  • Monstera Adansonii

    Monstera adansonii

    Monstera Adansonii

    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to mostly dry out between waterings. Increase frequency with increased light

    Monsteras can benefit from filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    As this plant matures, it might reach for something to climb. Provide it with a trellis or moss pole to encourage vertical growth.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Minimal leaf holes: Young plants start off with minimal holes, as they mature more will develop

    Brown, crispy edges: Underwatered, or high salt build up from tap water

    Yellowing leaves or black stems, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Monstera Deliciosa

    Monstera 2 6 052

    Monstera deliciosa

    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Monsteras can benefit from filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Monstera is famous for its natural leaf holes, or fenestrations. The holes are theorized to maximize sun capture by increasing the spread of the leaf while decreasing the mass of leaf cells to support.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leaves turning brown and crispy at the edges: Thirsty plant, underwatered, or high salt build up

    Wilting plant, dry potting mix: Underwatered, or pot-bound

    Yellowing leaves or black stems, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Monstera Ginny

    Monstera ginny

    Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

    Thailand and Malaysia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to mostly dry out between waterings. Increase frequency with increased light

    Monsteras can benefit from filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    As this plant matures, it might reach for something to climb. Provide it with a trellis or moss pole to encourage vertical growth.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Minimal leaf splits: Young plants start off with minimal splits, as they mature more will develop

    Brown, crispy edges: Underwatered, or high salt build up from tap water

    Yellowing leaves or black stems, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Norfolk Island Pine

    Norfolk island palm

    Araucaria heterophylla

    New Caledonia, Norfolk Island

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Norfolk Island Pine is not a true pine, but a tropical evergreen tree that hates the cold.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Crisping, curling needles: Thirsty plant, underwatered or low humidity

    Needle drop: Not enough light or thirsty

    Yellowing or rotting stems: Overwatered

  • Orchid



    India, China, Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium indirect light. Direct sun tolerance is species dependant.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing potting medium to dry out between waterings. If kept in decorative, cache planter, pour out excess water after watering. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Orchids are epiphytes fond of tight quarters. Keeping them in their grow pots keeps roots compact, and provides drainage and air circulation.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting, wrinkling leaves: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves: Overwatered, or too much sun

    Wilting flowers: Ending its yearly blooming cycle, storing up energy to re-bloom

  • Oxalis



    Europe, South Africa, South America, USA

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can handle a few hours of direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Oxalis exhibit a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. They move their leaves from day to night as a part of their circadian rhythm.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, mushy stems: Overwatered, root rot

    Wilting brown leaves, crispy edges: Underwatered, low humidity

    No new growth: If plant goes dormant, lightly fertilize and provide bright light & water

  • Panda Plant

    Panda plant

    Kalanchoe tomentosa


    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkled leaves and dry soil: Underwatered

    Blanched center: Not enough sunlight

  • Parlor Palm

    Parlor palm plant 3 6

    Chamaedorea elegans

    Mexico, Guatemala

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Humans seemed to always have a thing for palms. Scientists believe Mesopotamians cultivated the date palm over five thousand years ago.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Brown crispy tips: Thirsty plant, low humidity

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Peace Lily

    Peace lily


    Tropical Americas, Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    This plant is known for its air purifying capabilities and took part in NASA's 1989 Clean Air Study.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant or curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, mushy black stems: Overwatered 

  • Peperomia

    Peperomia ripple red


    Throughout the tropics

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    Most peperomias are pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Over 1500 species of Peperomia, native mostly to tropical and subtropical regions, have been recorded.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Peperomia Ginny

    Peperomia ginny

    Peperomia clusiifolia

    South America

    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Not suited for direct afternoon sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in bright light conditions.

    Pet friendly icon


    Pet friendly

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Drooping leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Leaf drop: underwatering, low light

  • Peperomia Marble

    Peperomia marble gallery small all all 06

    Peperomia obtusifolia

    Throughout the tropics

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Peperomia Obtusifolia is sometimes called baby rubber plant because of its thick and fleshy leaves.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Peperomia Obtusifolia

    Peperomia green all 01

    Peperomia obtusifolia

    Throughout the tropics

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Peperomia Obtusifolia is sometimes called baby rubber plant because of its thick and fleshy leaves.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Petite Knock Out® Rose

    Petite knockout rose

    Petite Knock Out® Rose


    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct sun for 6-8 hours per day, so choose a sunny spot in your home or outside. Outdoors, this plant does best in temperatures consistently above 60 degrees Fahrenheit in zones 5-10. Flowers will last indoors for 2-3 weeks. When flowers begin to fade or plants start to look sad, you can take your plant outside and keep in the container or plant into the ground, as long as temps are warm enough. If it’s too cold outside, you can wait it out for warmer temps indoors by keeping your rose bush in a sunny spot and watering regularly.

    Water icon


    Water every 2-3 days or as needed. Allow potting mix to dry out at least two inches down in between watering sessions.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    With bright light and warm temps, this plant can bloom spring through summer. When the blooming cycle ends in fall, the plant will go dormant. Water throughout winter months to keep plant alive. Light pruning might be needed in early spring. Then, this rose will grow new leaves and new flowers for you to enjoy once again.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Crispy leaves with dry soil: Too much direct light or not enough water

    Yellowing leaves with wet soil: Overwatered

  • Philodendron

    Philodendron silver 4 125


    Throughout the tropics

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The genus name Philodendron derives from the Greek words 'philo', meaning love or affection, and 'dendron', meaning tree.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant or curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Philodendron Birkin

    Care image philodendron birkin

    Philodendron birkin

    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Not suited for direct afternoon sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions.

    Pet friendly icon


    Toxic to pets!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Variegation is known to be unstable on the plant; new leaves can come up variegated, completely white, or completely green!

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Curling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Loss of variegation on new growth: Low light or natural!

  • Philodendron Green

    Philodendron green gallery medium all all 01

    Philodendron hederaceum

    Throughout the tropics

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    This species of Philodendron is a quick growing, trailing plant with heart shaped leaves.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant or curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Philodendron Prince of Orange

    Care image philodendron prince of orange

    Philodendron Prince of Orange

    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Not suited for direct afternoon sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions.

    Pet friendly icon


    Toxic to pets!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The leaves on the plant changes color over time; new growth will start out as yellow/orange, then revers to a deep copper color to green as it ages!

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Curling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Loss of pigmentation on new growth: Low light

  • Pilea

    Pilea 2


    Throughout the tropics

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright to medium indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    Most pileas are pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Pilea plants are commonly cultivated as houseplants because of their easy-going nature and diversity of leaf color & shape.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant or curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Pilea Peperomioides


    Pilea peperomioides

    Southern China

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright to medium indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    A self-propagator, the Pilea produces sweet little babies or “pups” on it’s own, which pop up from the soil surrounding the mother plant.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant or curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Poinsettia


    Euphorbia puicherrima

    Central America

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Not suited for direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. When thirsty, this plant will wilt.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The attractive “flowers” on the plant are known as specialized leaves known as bracts. The true flowers are actually the yellow petals in the center!

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves and mushy blackened base: Root rot, overwatered

  • Ponytail Palm

    Ponytail palm

    Beaucarnea recurvata


    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to direct light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks in direct light, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Humans seemed to always have a thing for palms. Scientists believe Mesopotamians cultivated the date palm over five thousand years ago.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leaves crisping, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

    Brown leaf tips: Low humidity or soil compaction (aerate soil)

  • Pothos

    Golden pothosl


    French Polynesia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Pothos can be easily propagated in water, just make sure to include a node or multiple on your cuttings.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant or curling leaves, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, black stems: Overwatered

  • Purple Waffle Plant

    Hemigraphis purple waffles

    Hemigraphis alternata


    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Not suited for direct afternoon sun.

    Water icon


    Water weekly allowing soil to dry out about half way between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions.

    Pet friendly icon


    Pet friendly

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Drooping leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    White, bleached leaves: too much direct sun

  • Ric Rac Cactus

    Epiphyllum anguliger


    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light to some direct sun. Not suited for low light conditions.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more oftern in brighter light and less often in lower light. This plant can benefit from higher humidity but can tolerate normal room humidity levels.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet-friendly!

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Drooping and wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Leaf drop: Not enough light

    Mushy leaves or black leaves: Overwatered

    Crispy, brown leaves: low humidity or underwatering

  • Rubber Tree

    Rubber tree

    Ficus elastica

    Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Yellow leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatering

    Crispy, curling leaves: Thirsty plant, underwatered or low humidity

    Leaf drop: low light

  • Sansevieria Moonshine

    Snake plant moonshine gallery medium all all 02

    Dracaena trifasciata

    Africa, Madagascar, Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    You might be surprised to know the Snake Plant is a drought tolerant succulent.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkled leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Schefflera


    Schefflera arboricola

    East Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    This plant is nicknamed the umbrella tree because of its clustered leaflets.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leggy and floppy, or leaf drop: Not enough sunlight

    Yellow droopy leaves with wet soil: Overwatered

    Brown leaf edges: Low humidity, or direct sun

  • Schefflera Alpine

    Schefflera alpine

    Schefflera arboricola

    East Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    This plant is nicknamed the umbrella tree because of its clustered leaflets.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leggy and floppy, or leaf drop: Not enough sunlight

    Yellow droopy leaves with wet soil: Overwatered

    Brown leaf edges: Low humidity, or direct sun

  • Silver Satin

    Pothos satin

    Scindapsus pictus

    Southeast Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Silver Satin, a variety of Scindapsus pictus, is also commonly called the Satin Pothos or Silver Philodendron because of its similarities to those plants.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leaves curling, wilting: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Snake Plant

    Snake plant night owl all 01

    Dracaena trifasciata

    Africa, Madagascar, Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    You might be surprised to know the Snake Plant is a drought tolerant succulent.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkled leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Snake Plant Laurentii

    Snake plant 2 laurentii 4 059

    Dracaena trifasciata

    Africa, Madagascar, Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    You might be surprised to know the Snake Plant is a drought tolerant succulent.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkled leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Snake Plant Zeylanica

    Snake plant 2 zeylanica 4 032

    Dracaena trifasciata

    Africa, Madagascar, Asia

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    You might be surprised to know the Snake Plant is a drought tolerant succulent.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkled leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Snow White Waffle Plant

    Hemigraphis snow white

    Hemigraphis alternata 'snow white'


    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Not suited for direct afternoon sun.

    Water icon


    Water weekly allowing soil to dry out about half way between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions.

    Pet friendly icon


    Pet friendly

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Drooping leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    White, bleached leaves: too much direct sun

  • Spider Plant

    Spider plant

    Chlorophytum comosum

    Southern Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    The Spider Plant will self-propagate when happy and healthy. These little babies or 'plantlets' can be used to make new spider plants.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Crispy leaf tips, dry potting mix: Underwatered, low humidity

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • Staghorn Fern

    Staghorn fern 2 4 019


    Australia and surrounding islands

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    This species of epiphytic fern gets its name from its uniquely shaped fronds that resemble horns or antlers.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting fronds, dry potting mix: Underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Overwatered

  • String of Bananas

    String of bananas

    Senecio radicans

    South Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun. Not suited for low light conditions.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Leaf drop: Low light, moisture-stress

  • String of Dolphins

    String of dolphins

    Senecio peregrinus

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun. Not suited for low light conditions.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Leaf drop: Low light, moisture-stress

  • String of Hearts

    String of hearts

    Ceropegia woodii

    South Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun. Not suited for low light conditions.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Propagate this plant in water by cutting off its long, trailing vines.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Leaf drop: Low light, or moisture-stress

  • String of Pearls

    String of pearls 494289e2 3740 4e62 bbac 15d1e2babf73

    Senecio rowleyanus

    Southwest Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun. Not suited for low light conditions.

    Water icon


    Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    This trailing plant is a succulent! Only water when potting mix is bone dry.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Mushy stems, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

    Leaf drop: Low light, moisture-stress

  • Succulents

    Succulents b1629d02 2fe8 48c6 9c90 d4f3ae4f0b11

    Around the World

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Did you know that not all succulents are related? Succulent is an umbrella term used to denote any plant that has adapted to survive in arid sunny conditions.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leaves curling or wrinkling, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

  • Tradescantia


    Tradescantia zebrina

    North & South America

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to medium indirect light. Avoid direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water weekly, allowing about half the soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Leggy and loss of color: Not enough sunlight

    Browning: Underwatered or low humidity

    Yellowing: Overwatered

  • Xerographica


    Tillandsia xerographica

    Tropical Americas

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light, but can tolerate bright direct light.

    Water icon


    Soak weekly in a bowl of room temperature water for 15-30 minutes. Shake excess water off afterward.

    This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Tillandsia are called 'air plants' due to their ability to grow without soil. In their native environment, they can be found growing on trees, cliffs, and even telephone wires.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Blackened base: Plant rot

    Curled or shriveled leaves: Low humidity, underwatered

    Not green when wet: Dead plant

  • Yucca

    Yucca gallery medium all all 01


    Arid Americas and Caribbean

    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect to direct light.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    Yuccas have adapted to a vast range of environments, from rocky deserts to mountainous regions to subtropical forests.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Crispy or curling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing leaves, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

  • Zebra Plant

    Zebra plant

    Aphelandra squarrosa


    Sun icon


    Thrives in bright indirect light. Not suited for direct sun or low light conditions.

    Water icon


    Water weekly, allowing about half the soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon


    This plant is pet friendly!

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Browning: Overwatering, low humidity

    Leaf drop: Low light, or overwatered (wet soil) / underwatered (dry soil)

    Yellowing: Overwatered

  • ZZ Plant


    Zamioculcas zamiifolia

    Zanzibar, Kenya, Eastern Africa

    Sun icon


    Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 2–3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Fun fact icon

    Fun Fact

    You might spot large potato-like rhizomes under the surface of the ZZ Plant's soil. These store water to help the plant survive drought in its native habitat.

    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Wilting plant, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Wrinkled leaves: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Yellowing and becoming mushy, wet potting mix: Root rot, overwatered

  • Hoya Macrophylla

    Hoya macrophylla


    Sun icon


    Thrives in med-bright indirect light. Not suited for low light or full direct sun.

    Water icon


    Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

    Pet friendly icon



    Sad plant icon

    Sad Plant Signs

    Mushy or yellow leaves: Overwatered

    Drooping and wrinkling leaves, dry potting mix: Thirsty plant, underwatered

    Leaf drop, etiolation: Not enough light